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First Act is designed to introduce you to the basics of stagecraft. Through games and scripted work, you will learn everything you’ll need to be a confident actor, at the same time as building life skills and experiences in a fun setting.

'Amy Phillips is a truly wonderful actress and an inspiring and innovative teacher. She has an ability to breathe confidence into all those she works with and I would not hesitate to attend ANY classes she was running. Go! You won't regret it.'' 

Olivia Poulet, actress ‘The Thick of It’

The sessions are two hours, once a week over ten weeks featuring games and ‘play’ to explore various aspects of acting and then scripted work which Amy directs. It is appropriate for all levels and anyone can come and observe a session for free at any time during a term.

At the end of each term there is an informal performance for family and friends where we also often have an industry professional come and do a Q&A.

The next First Act course will take place from Tues 7th May - Tues 16th July 2024 (10 sessions, no session on Tues 28th May) 7.30-9.30pm.

For any questions or to register your interest please email us at

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