Current Show:
The Magical Sword
Term Dates:
Wednesday 21st April - 2nd July
Rehearsal Times:
Each Wednesday at 4:15pm-5:30pm
Saturday rehearsal on Saturday 12th June (9:30-11am)
Show Times:
Friday 2nd July, arrive at 4pm
Audience arrive at 4:15 for a 4:25 performance
MESSAGE BOARD - Wednesday 4:15
Dear parents
Please book your tickets as soon as possible.
Due to Covid you can book up to 4 tickets per family by Thursday 24th June. After that they will be on a first come first served basis for anyone who wants more than 4 tickets.
There is a small booking fee.
You should need to give your child's name
There is a password specific to this show (please don't share with anyone else)
The box for the password appears only as you select your number of tickets and you need to give it for both waged and unwaged.
This is the link:
Direct to booking URL